Monday, September 17, 2012

Blog Post # 4

podcast image
Langwitches Blog

Ms. Tolisano talked about the podcasts she made with her class. In the podcast  Podcasting with First Graders, she talks about the class creating a podcast about the book they were reading. They discussed questions to ask the main characters in the book as if they were going to interview them. Ms. Tolisano used the questions and answers to create a script for the children to use in the podcast. Students took turns recording specific parts of the script.

This was a great exercise.The students enjoyed listening to their voices on the podcast.The students learned new skills and improved skills they already had. Continuous learning was certainly taking place in this activity. The students were unaware of the sills they were learning new like voice acting, oral fluency and media technology. I can see how easy it would be to incorporate this activity into any of their subjects. I believe this activity would cause students to want to participate and knock out boredom in a classroom. I love this!

The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom

Joe Dale talked about the benefits of podcasts in the classroom. In his video  Benefits of Podcasts in the Classroom  he talked about many benefits and gave examples. Creating podcasts helps students become excited about learning subjects that may otherwise be a source of boredom. There is quick access for students who may miss a class or two. Learning becomes fun. Parents also have the opportunity to communicate and hear what their children are learning.

Judy Scharf's Podcast Collection

The Podcast Collection describes a podcast as a"radio style" talk show. She discusses using podcasts in the classroom and how they are a benefit. In the post you will find instructions for creating a podcast. There are many teacher resources on making podcast included within this post. This post is very beneficial to teachers who would like to include podcasts as part of their class. I will refer to this post often as I prepare to make my podcast.


  1. Hi Patricia! I was assigned your blog as my C4C assignment. I enjoyed reading your blog. I especially liked the first part when you discussed Langwitches Blog. The enthusiasm you had for that subject was great. In your blog I saw a couple of comma errors and one spelling mistake. Other than those few things, you did a good job!

  2. Thank you Maria. I must remember to proofread before posting!

  3. "...podcast,Podcasting with First Graders,... No commas needed. You need a space before Podcasting

    ",Benefits of Podcasts in the Classroom,, he talked about many benefits and gave examples.Creating podcasts..." You not need commas. In addition you have two after Classroom. You do need a space before Benefits and before Creating.

    Succinct. Thoughtful.

  4. Patricia, I enjoyed reading your post because we did not choose to read/write on the same blog post options. I did not chose Judy Scharf's, however after reading your post I will be referring to it during the making of our podcast. I see you have edited the errors Dr. Strange told you about. However, where you changed the second correction I believe you have two spaces where you took the commas out. Other than that, good job!
