Thursday, October 18, 2012

C4K #4

C4K Summary

Noah's Blog

Noah was a procrastinator in the worst way. He would find everything else to do rather than do what he knew he needed to do. Procrastination caused him to be stressed time and time again.  Noah seemed to be turning over a new leaf with the new project he was assigned. He assured his new group members that he planned to get an early start and make wise use of his time. Noah learned he should take the amount of time he thinks it will take to complete a project and double it.
I am not a procrastinator but I must deal with a lot of procrastinators in my everyday life. I don't like it. Procrastinators usually wait until crunch time and want their emergency to complete a task to become your emergency and that's not fair. I don't like being all stressed out because a task has been put off until the last minute.


The US History Research Seminar Class Blog US HISTORY RESEARCH SEMINAR is one full of information. In the class EDM310, we blog constantly on different subjects. While it is not always interesting or fun to read, nevertheless we do it. I often wonder why so many Blog assignments are needed to show Blog application. Blogging is about much more than just commenting about a specific subject. The USRS Blog is about perfecting your writing skills and comprehending all you read. I don't find the writing part to be that big of a challenge. I must admit that it is not always easy to comprehend everything I hear or read every time. I sometimes read or listen to videos two or three times before I truly understand what the blogger is trying to say. The USRS Blog site has very specific expectations for their bloggers. That's good and it helps to organize the information provided. Some of the expectations for the blog are: using good writing skills, being creative, and writing thoughtful reflections. This is exactly what we are challenged to do in the EDM310 class.

Oscar's Blog

Oscar is a 4th grade student in the UK.  This is his first blog.  It was short and to the point.  His grammar and punctuation were very good.  Oscar's role model is Mo Farah.  I told him my role models were my parents because they made sure my sister and I had  great educations.  I asked him to please tell me  more about  Mo Farah in his next blog.  

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