Noah's Blog
Noah stated he was a procrastinator in the worst way. He would find everything else to do rather than do what he knew he needed to do. Procrastination caused him to be stressed time and time again. Noah seemed to be turning over a new leaf with the new project he was assigned. He assured his new group members that he planned to get an early start and make wise use of his time. Noah learned he should take the amount of time he thinks it will take to complete a project and double it.
I am not a procrastinator but I must deal with a lot of procrastinators in my everyday life. I don't like it. Procrastinators usually wait until crunch time and want their emergency to complete a task to become my emergency and that's not fair. I don't like being all stressed out because a task has been put off until the last minute. I think Noah has found procrastinating to be something he does not want to continue and will begin to use his time more efficiently.
The US History Research Seminar Class Blog US HISTORY RESEARCH SEMINAR is one full of information. In the class EDM310, we blog constantly on different subjects. While it is not always interesting or fun to read, nevertheless we do it. I often wonder why so many Blog assignments are needed to show Blog application. Blogging is about much more than just commenting about a specific subject. The USRS Blog is about perfecting your writing skills and comprehending all you read. I don't find the writing part to be that big of a challenge. I must admit that it is not always easy to comprehend everything I hear or read every time. I sometimes read or listen to videos two or three times before I truly understand what the blogger is trying to say. The USRS Blog site has very specific expectations for their bloggers. That's good and it helps to organize the information provided. Some of the expectations for the blog are: using good writing skills, being creative, and writing thoughtful reflections. This is exactly what we are challenged to do in the EDM310 class.
C4K#4 Jacmor954
I commented on jacmor954's blog post. He created a story called Dynamite Man vs Titanium Guy (Part I). It is a story about 2 warriors who were friends but are no longer and have now come to battle one another. The battle took place in New Jersey. During their battle Dynamite threw TNT and Titanium Guy flew away and came back knocking out Dynamite Man. Dynamite Man ran very fast like a roadrunner. He got tired and they both fell off a cliff. That was the end of part one.
Jacmor954 wrote a great story . He has a vivid imagination and is very creative. He added lots of detail to his story making it more interesting. I could imagine how the characters looked from his description. I think he put a lot of time in writing his story. He had a lot of misspelled words and punctuation was bad. He used caps throughout his sentence too. Of course , I did not tell him this. I did end my comments by saying I hope he wrote more someday about his story.
Oscar is a 4th grade student in the UK. This is his first blog. It was short and to the point. His grammar and punctuation were very good. Oscar's role model is Mo Farah. I told him my role models were my parents because they made sure my sister and I had great educations. I asked him to please tell me more about Mo Farah in his next blog.
C4K #6 Sydney's Blog
Sydney is a student helping his class with their blog this year. He seems to be very excited and wants his readers to get to know him. He provided information about his favorite thing to do on the weekend, favorite tv show, movie, book, song, holiday and subject in school. He likes Math, hanging out with his family on the weekend, and he loves Christmas to name a few of his favorite things. Sydney's blog was well written and organized.
I enjoyed reading Sydney's blog and like his format for allowing people to know a bit about him. I like it so well that I used the same format to share information about myself. I shared Christmas as my favorite holiday, NCIS and Law and Order as my favorite tv shows, Language Arts as my favorite subject in school and my parents as my favorite people. I complimented Sydney on a very well written and organized blog.
C4K #7
Dr. Vitulli and Santoli: Eyes on Ireland
Drs. Vitulli and Santoli are attending a conference in Ireland. They have met people from places such as Chile, Italy, Germany, Canada, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Zimbabwe and many other states in the United States.
I read the blog post titled Now for the Conference. The conference addresses more than traditional K-12 or higher education. Sessions also deals with different types of adult education like entrepreneurship and technical vocational training. Some of the presentations or as long as 90 minutes and some as short as 30 minutes.
Each day there is a different keynote presenter.
Monday the presenter was Dr. Cynthia Northington-Purdie, a psychologist and life coach with William Patterson University. The presentation title was Evolution of Academic Integrity. She talked about the concepts of cheating and plagerism being concrete and unambiguous. She talked on the premise that we should consider if evolution of technology and information should cause us to rethink our concept of academic integrity.
I am sure this was an interesting conversation between conference attendees. I believe we should take a look at how technology and the streams of information on the internet affect academic integrity. There is so much information available on someone's opinion , factual information and others just plain untrue stuff. Sometimes it's hard to tell which is which.The only real way to know is to research and research information to determine what is true and then read for content understanding and summarize including pertinent information. So where do you draw the line between summarizing and using pertinent content information in your writing? Just my thoughts.
On Tuesday the keynote presenter was Dr. Richard Cooper, Director of Disability Services at Harcum College in Bryn Mawr, Pa. Dr. Cooper talked about how different some people perceive, process, and communicate information and what that means for their learning and instruction. He shared information from his website: The information on his website is applicable to students and adults. He spoke a great deal about visual perceptions, processing and communicating. Dr. Cooper prefers speaking about learning differently people rather than people having learning disabilities.
I visited Dr. Cooper's website and found really good resources for use in all classrooms. His website including resource information on topics such as: Testing Anxiety, Professional Development, Alternative Math When Nothing Else Seems To Work, Characteristics of Learning Differences and many more. It's full of good information. I especially like " If I Learn Differently, Why Shouldn't I Study Differently?"resource. It makes sense that we teach to visual learners and auditory learners because this is how the students learn. It also makes perfect sense that if students learn differently , why should we not modify the way we have them study for test differently. That makes perfect sense to me and I don't know why it had not been considered sooner.' I am adding Dr. Cooper's website to my PLN because I know I will go back to it many times for many different reasons , one of those reasons being I saw myself in some of his descriptions.
I really enjoyed reading the blog and I am glad it was assigned to me.
C4K #8 Allison's Blog
Allison and her family went on a family vacation. They did not fly, they went in a car. Allison had to share the back seats with her 3 brothers. She was not happy because they were cramped with all their stuff in the car. It was a long trip and Allison was not very patient. Allison was asleep when the trip started and woke up three hours into the drive. They ate at Apple Bees in Nashville, Tenn.and afterwards Allison got sick. They weren't going to stop but they all were tired and ended up stopping at a rest stop to sleep. They were in Atlanta Georgia when they stopped to rest. They arrived at Kissimmee, Florida around 4:00 pm that same day. They were in Florida for 5 days and her parents left them at the hotel to go buy groceries. They went to Universal Studios,SeaWorld, Cocco Beach and to a cool restaurant with a floor that looked like a basketball court. While at see world she had a chance to see the Shamu Whale show. She and her family drove by the Kennedy Space Center but did not go in because it was a 2 hour tour and she and her brothers did not want to spend that much time in the space center. They went to several theme parks, took walking tours and did some shopping. They all had fun.Then it was time to go home and the road trip started all over again. They left one day early because there was news of a storm coming and they did not want to be in it and so they left early that Saturday morning.They stopped at rest stop in Kansas to sleep. They drove all day Sunday and arrived home on Monday morning. Allison never said where she lived in her blog. Allison enjoyed her vacation with her family. They went many places that I have visited in Florida and I could visualize them as she talked about them in her blog. She mentioned swimming in Cocco Beach and I have done that. She mentioned going to Universal Studios and I have been there several times and she mentioned the Kennedy Space Center. She did not go there and yes it is a long tour, but is very interesting. I think she would have enjoyed it. She had a well written blog, with some misspelled words. I told her about using MS Word to type her blog post in so she could take advantage of the spell check feature and that would help. Allison wrote a detailed blog and as a reader, I felt as if I were on the vacation with them and in the car with them on the way to Florida.
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